Undercover Video of Union Autoworkers — Your Tax Dollars At Work?

December 28, 2008

Below is a link to Channel 4 News out of Detroit who did an undercover expose on some union autoworkers. What are your thoughts?


Americans and the amazing Mr. Obama according to a Russian news report OR Is Barry Soetoro not showing his birth certificate making our country a laughing stock around the world?

December 2, 2008

I’ve enjoyed reading news articles coming out of other countries about our recent presidential election. Apparently the other countries don’t regurgitate their stories from the AP like our mainstream press does. Sadly, the other countries seem to be giving more reliable information through the election season than our own press.

The most recent article I read was written by Mark S. McGrew in Pravda out of Russia. He even gives links to substantiate the article. I have to say, the perception of our political scene seems to be more straight forward and honest over there. I also believe other countries hold the same view portrayed in this article:

Titled: Barack: The Amazing Mr. Obama

It begins by describing how truly amazing Mr. Obama is.

Going on to describes how he has managed to create an illusion of a Public Office that does not exist, The Office of the President Elect.

Referring to him as Barry Sotero, AKA Barack Obama, a man with no visible past who was able to  have a lawsuit against him dismissed, three weeks after his non-response was proof that he is not a US citizen.

The article goes on with more reference to more lawsuits that Barry has ignored. The full page ads in the Washington Times as well as the Chicago Tribune asking Obama to prove his citizenship.

Describing how…

Obama promised people what they wanted: Hope and Change, without ever saying what that hope and change were going to be. One of Obama’s much praised abilities is his way of being very articulate in his speeches.

Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.

Every con game uses three ingredients against the target: Sell the dream. Push the greed button. Stress urgency.

…The non-existent Office of the President Elect is the Jack Call. The constant news shots of his “involvement and concern” in national and world issues are the repeated Jack Calls.

It remains to be seen if Barry Sotero, Barack Obama or whatever his name is, is appointed President by the Electoral College.

But beyond all of that controversy, there is one subject in this man’s activities that is truly astounding: There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that his beloved grandmother actually died on the day before the election as his campaign said she did. He said he would attend her funeral “In a few days”. He never did. Then he said he would have a funeral for her around the end of the year. What kind of person keeps their grandmother’s body on ice for two months? What kind of a person would play on the death of his grandmother to win “the sympathy vote”? Where is the proof that she died when she said she did? Normally, we could simply learn from the local coroner of a well known person’s death. But the only public comment made by the Honolulu Medical Examiner, who acts as coroner in Honolulu, Hawaii was, “We didn’t work that case.”

Barack Obama may just win his place in history as the greatest con man of all time. A hundred million people believed him and spent 600 million dollars to get him “elected” to the highest office in America, without ever knowing if he is or is not eligible to even run as an American citizen. It is either amazing that he will pull it off or it is amazing that so many millions of people believed him.

Other countries “get it” about the birth certificate issue. We should be ashamed that we were so gullible – and now – apparently – the laughing stock of the world. Read the whole article here. It’s definitely a MUST read.

Another new press release from “The New American” states…

This story has gained credence, separating it from Internet rumors, because Obama has reputedly hired three law firms (firms, not lawyers) to make sure that no one gets access to his birth records in Hawaii or his college transcripts from Occidental College and Harvard. (It is speculated that the transcripts will show he applied for aid to foreign students.)

Read the entire article here.

Recording of Kenyan Ambassador Peter N.R.O. Ogego Admitting Obama’s Country of Birth

November 28, 2008

Again, the mainstream press is not reporting the current events unfolding surrounding Obama’s place of birth.

Read the full article here surrounding the sound recording as well as the entire radio broadcast on WRIF.

Unfortunately the above link was scrubbed in the YOUtube world for all to hear.

Fortunately the original nearly 20 minute interview can still be heard on the WRIF radio station website through the link provided above.

Thanks to WRIF for keeping the story and link active.

Tighten your Belts! Congress Passes Bill to Give Federal Judiciary a Raise

November 26, 2008

The question every Americans should ask himself … Do you believe the government has enough of your tax money to accomplish what it needs to do? 

On November 20, 2008, Mr. Reid (D NV) [for himself, Mr. McConnell (R KY), Mr. Leahy (D VT), Mr. Hatch (R UT), Mr.  Grassley (R IA), Mrs. Feinstein (D CA), and Mr. Bingaman (D NM) ] introduced the following bill; which was read twice, considered, read the third time, and passed

To authorize a cost of living adjustment for the Federal judiciary.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


Pursuant to section 140 of Public Law 97-92, justices and judges of the United States are authorized during fiscal year 2009 to receive a salary adjustment in accordance with section 461 of title 28, United States Code.

S. 3711

Your EMERGENCY tax dollars redirected to auto, energy, infrastructure

November 25, 2008

The question every Americans should ask himself … Do you believe the government has enough of your tax money to accomplish what it needs to do?

The mainstream press has not reported the latest developments of plans for our EMERGENCY tax dollars.

Last Thursday, 11/20/08 a bill was introduced by Mr. Louie Gohmert (R TX) to redirect funds from the original purposes intended by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act.

The new bill will redirect $100 BILLION to go for transportation infrastructure

The intent of the bill is to immediately terminate the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 to purchase troubled assets. To make a portion of the unused funding for such program available to meet critical infrastructure needs in the United States.

HR 7306 is called “Stop the Treasury Office Nationalization of the Economy Act of 2008” or “STONE”

H. R. 7306

Interestingly enough, the same day this legislation was introduced, a press release appeared announcing the Bay area infrastructure to be transformed into the “Electric Vehicle (EV) Capital of the US”. Read press release here.

Mayors Chuck Reed (San Jose), Ron Dellums (Oakland) and Gavin Newsom (San Francisco) announced this nine-step program to begin in December:

1. Expedited permitting and installation of electric vehicle charging outlets at homes, business, parking lots, and other buildings throughout the Bay Area;
2. Incentives for employers to install EV charging systems in their workplace and provide similar incentives to parking facilities and other locations where EV charging stations can be installed;
3. Harmonize local regulations and standards across the region that govern EV infrastructure to achieve regulatory consistency for EV companies as well as expanded range for EV consumers;
4. Establish common government programs that promote the purchase of EVs;
5. Link EV programs and infrastructure to regional transit and air quality programs;
6. Establish programs for aggressive pooled-purchase orders for EVs in municipal, state government and private sector fleets and future commitment of purchasing preference for EV vehicles;
7. Expedited permitting and approval for facilities that provide extended-range driving capability for EVs in the region through battery exchange locations or fast-charging;
8. Identify and secure suitable standard (110V) electric outlets for charging low voltage EVs in every government building in 2009; and
9. Identify roll-out plan for placement of 220V EV charging equipment throughout each city including city parking lots and curbside parking.

In conjunction with the news, Better Place, (formerly known as “Project Better Place”) a global electric transportation company, announced that it would enter the U.S. market with California as its first state, beginning in the Bay Area. The company was publicly launched, as Project Better Place, by Shai Agassi on 10/29/07.

Better Place Investors include:
Acorns to Oaks II
Esarbee Investments Canada
GC Investments LLC
Israel Cleantech Ventures
Israel Corp.
Maniv Energy Capital
Morgan Stanley
Musea Ventures
Ofer Group
VantagePoint Venture Partners
Vayikra Partners
Wolfensohn & Co.

Idan Ofer is Chairman of Better Place as well as Chairman of Isreal Corp. Isreal Corp. has a joint venture with Chinese automobile manufacturer Chery Corp., and a stake in lithium-ion battery maker A123Systems.

Check back soon on this post — more info coming

Lawsuits surrounding Obama’s birth certificate continue to mount across the country. Why won’t Barry produce? Where’s the press?

November 22, 2008

The latest update on the Andy Martin lawsuit in Hawai’i has been published.

Is this a sign of the times when proof of citizenship to run the highest office in the land is dismissed by the courts? What happened to “we the people”? More importantly, why is the mainstream press not reporting these lawsuits that have been cropping up all across the country?

Video of Mamma Sara speaking out in Kenya

To date, suits have been filed in Hawaii, Washington, California, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, New Jersey and Connecticut. Read about each suit here.

Yesterday, another court is added to the list of lawmakers who refuse to produce Barack 0bama’s ORIGINAL typewritten birth certificate. A requirement to become President of the United States is to be a natural born citizen.

Questions have been circulating that 0bama was not born in this country. If he was not born of this country his mother–a United States citizen-did not meet the criteria for her son to be a US citizen as she was only 18.

At best, if 0bama was born in this country, he was adopted by his Indonesian step father and was given Indonesian citizenship as a young lad. There are no records that he made efforts to regain American citizenship to date. Perhaps he even traveled on an Indonesian passport as late as the 1980’s. Read more here.

See the video explaining the twists and turns of his questionable citizenship with legal expert Berg here:

As state after state has had suits filed requesting courts to verify his qualifications to be eligible for president each has been thrown out.

To date, President Elect 0bama has not shown his eligibility. A birth certificate posted on the internet by FactCheck.org as well as the Obama campaign site has been proven to be in fact be a lie. An obvious clue was that it was not typewritten. FactCheck.Org is funded by the Annenberg Foundation. The same foundation, in fact, that Obama worked for in conjunction with William Ayers some years ago. Read more about the FactCheck documents here.

In the latest court dispute in Hawaii Andy Martin is says the Judicial system reflects “callous disregard” for the American people. Read the press release here.

The Andy Martin case in Hawaii will be appealed.


Judicial Watch Under Fire

November 10, 2008

Judicial Watch reported November 6, that the Hispanic Bar Association demanded and received the terms “illegal” and “aliens” banned from all Arizona state courtrooms. According to the Hispanic Bar Assn., the terms were perceived to be inflammatory and might create judicial bias.

Los Abogados, the Hispanic bar association of Arizona wrote a letter to Chief Justice McGregor of the Supreme Court of Arizona requesting that judges and employees:

Use the terms “undocumented immigrants, foreign nationals, persons without legal immigration status, unauthorized workers, and alleged or suspected undocumented immigrants.”

Additionally, the request asked for terms such as “illegals, illegal aliens, aliens, resident or non-resident aliens, illegal immigrants, scratchbacks or wetbacks, armies of immigrants, invaders, reconquistadores and anchor babies” not to be used in public documents and proceedings.

Friday, November 7, an Arizona Supreme Court spokesperson spoke with Judicial Watch. The spokesperson denied the Chief Justice banned anything and accused Judicial Watch of “slander.”

You be the judge. Read the letters and see other terms encouraged and discouraged here. 

The year the press won the election

November 4, 2008

Congratulations to the press for winning the election.

Voting Day: Polls and Glitches

November 4, 2008

Over 9,000 complaints have been lodged and recorded so far today. To see what’s happening in your area click here.

Those complaints range from voters not being on the list to machines not being calibrated. You can view the various complaints here.

On the eve of an historic presidential election, Channel 9’s I-Team uncovers a potentially huge flaw in our voting system, a flaw that could let millions of people vote more than once.

It’s a national problem, and one that Hagit Limor has been investigating as a team project with reporters in Florida and Georgia.

For example, Thomas Habel has two homes, a condo in Marco Island, Fla., and a house in Hartwell, Ga.

On Oct. 25, voter records show Habel voted at the Collier County Public Library, a fact he readily admits.

But Georgia records show he already had voted 25 days earlier in Hart County, Ga.

Habel said, “It’s a mistake.” He says he never voted in Georgia.

…and that’s not an isolated incident.

I’m currently investigating reports of Obama volunteers who are standing at polls repeating names of people as they come in to vote into their cell phones in an attempt to keep track of who hasn’t voted on the registered lists to someone on the other end.

This post will be updated throughout the day.

Before you vote take 8 minutes to watch this video. As you will see, Obama is pictured overseas in this video:

Overseas Military Votes Voided

November 3, 2008

Virginia’s absentee ballots weren’t mailed on time to military members serving overseas. Thousands of troops’ ballots will not make it back in time to be counted.

Other absentee ballots all across the country will not be counted because of technicalities. Those absentee ballots that did arrive in Virginia will not be counted because they were missing the address of the witness.

Thirteen troops will not be able to vote in New York because they were given ballots for the local Puerto Rico election.

In light of our men and women serving our country overseas being disenfranchised please don’t take your vote for granted.