What you missed while the media steers you to talk mosque

August 20, 2010

This month as the media steered Americans towards the mosque issue it skipped over vital information every American should have heard first and foremost.  (view frightening 5 min. video coming out of France titled, ‘Islamization’ of Paris a Warning to the West )

August 2010 news not widely reported by the media:

The media steered you away from: The US borders remain open and “unable to defend” while US military personel are currently deployed in more than 150 countries around the world, with more than 369,000 of its 1,479,551 active-duty personnel serving outside the United States and its territories. View video of “fence” on the US border

The media steered you away from: Bankruptcy filings rose 20 percent in the 12-month period ending June 30, 2010

The media steered you away from: The State of Arizona and S.B. 1070 was included in a report to the United Nations Council on Human Rights submitted by the US State Dept. (headed by Hillary Rodham Clinton). The “Universal Periodic Review” stated “… our economic prosperity depend on our capacity to welcome and assimilate immigrants.”  

The media steered you away from: Foreclosure activity hits record high in third quarter — 1 in 136 homes received a foreclosure filing. Up 5% from previous quarter. Up 23% from Q3 2008.

The media steered you away from: Housing demand slowed — home sales down.

The media steered you away from: Initial jobless claims at highest level since November 2009

The media steered you away from: Auto sales saw an historic 28 year low

The media steered you away from: Bank failures hit an 18 year high (highest since 1992)

The media steered you away from: Unemployment rates raise in 14 states. Nationally expected to remain around 9.5 percent for the remainder of the year and perhaps until year end 2014.

The media steered you away from: U.S. gasoline demand jumps 1.7%; up .9% year to date. Average price for a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline was $2.75

The media steered you away from: Trade deficit has expanded 18.8 percent in June to $49.9 billion, the largest level in almost two years

The media steered you away from: China moved past Japan into the world’s second largest economy

The media steered you towards: An early end to the Iraq war brings US troops home as “last full U.S. combat brigade” symbolically leave the country. All the while steering you away from the 52,000 troops who will remain in Iraq — coined as  “boots on the ground” to assist with policing the country comprised of specially trained heavy, infantry and Stryker brigades, as well as two combat aviation brigades. Read more at Army Times.

The media steered you away from: As of 5/25/10 there were 92,000 U.S. troops in Iraq. All other nations have withdrawn their troops. As of 8/20/10 total military fatalities in Iraq-  4,406.

The media steered you away from: Army suicides hit record in June

The media steered you away from: 10% of the 116,423 active-duty soldiers currently in Iraq and Afghanistan are “non-deployable”

The media steered you away from:  The former US commander in Afghanistan who was forced to retire after making scathing comments to a magazine about the Barack Obama administration will take a teaching position at Yale

The media steered you away from: The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the swine flu pandemic has officially ended

The media steered you away from: Fidel Castro warned a US attack on Iran would trigger nuclear armageddon

The media steered you away from: Iran retaliates against US and European sanctions by refusing to accept dollars and euros for oil

The media steered you away from: German police have closed Hamburg mosque because intelligence officials say it’s become a meeting place for extremists

The media steered you away from: The Defense Department proposes the elimination of the Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Va in an attempt to cut budget spending

The media steered you away from: Kenya’s  government is unhappy with the impression created by a U.S. court ruling that granted asylum to President Barack Obama’s aunt for saying she could be targeted by members of Kenya’s government if deported describe the case of Zeituni Onyango as an embarrassment and said the allegations made against Kenya were untrue and unrealistic

The media steered you away from: Iran’s leadership hailed the fuelling of its first nuclear power plant

Charting gasoline prices while press remains mute

April 11, 2010

We all remember June of 2008 when we faced the staggering price of $4 per gallon for gasoline. 

What we don’t recall is that by the close of 2008 gasoline prices had stabilized to a more palatable $1.59 per gallon. Within weeks, the historical transformation was underway as our new President took office. 

Below is a graph of gasoline prices since President Obama took office. One might ask where the press is?

The federal government is currently contemplating an additional 15 cent gas tax in addition to the current 18.4 cent federal gas tax in place. The average gas tax is 47.4 cents as of April 2010. 

Gasoline Price Chart

Source: US Energy Information Administration

Source: Energy Information Administration/Petroleum Marketing Monthly 4/10

Additional State taxes levied:
California: 8.25 percent sales tax
Connecticut: 7 percent gross earnings tax
Georgia: 4 percent prepaid state tax
Hawaii: 4 percent gross income tax
Illinois: 6.25 percent sales tax
Indiana: 7 percent sales tax
Iowa: 1 cent per gallon Environmental Protection Charge
Michigan: 6 percent sales tax
New Jersey: gross receipts tax of 4 cents per gallon for on-highway use fuels
New York: 8.0 cents per gallon state sales tax in addition to local sales taxes
Virginia: 2 percent sales tax in areas where mass transit systems exist
Vermont: Motor Fuels Transportation Infrastructure Assessment Fee (subject to change on a quarterly basis for gasoline and 3.0 cents per gallon on diesel fuel)

Local option taxes (LOTS) are allowed
Florida assesses a State Comprehensive Enhanced Transportation System (SCETS) tax on gasoline which is two-thirds of each county’s rate. In addition, the State collects a “ninth cent tax” and a second local tax. These taxes add an unweighted average of 15.0 cents to the gasoline State tax.

In Hawaii, LOTS are as follows:
Honolulu: 16.5 cents per gallon
Maui: 16.0 cents per gallon
Hawaii: 8.8 cents per gallon
Kauai: 13.0 cents per gallon

In Nevada, additional county taxes on gasoline range from 5 to 10 cents per gallon.